Monday, August 11, 2008


HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIA HEE CHING. Cue applause. So today we went out for an obvious reason, that is, to use HC's birthday as an excuse to go out and watch 21! XD So the people who went were Mei Tin, Yee Shuen(who didn't watch the movie), Nikki(who left earlier than YS), the Bday girl, and yours truly. Sam came, but didnt join in. *pokpokpok* He just said hi, and left to watch some movie all by himself. Had lunch at that Japanese restaurant outside MPH. The food was surprisingly reasonable as in expensive-but-compared-to-other-Japanese-restaurants-is-quite-normal kinda way. I had unadon which is basically unagi on rice. It tasted great, as all unagi does. XP Too bad my bowels were still angry at me for eating God knows what ( most probably that chilli padi tuna sandwich i had last night + yogurt). After that we walked around blahblahblah. Went for 21 at 3:30. And of course, i sang along to ''I love the whole world'' during the advertisements. The movie was good, but i was disappointed they didnt do any fancy cheating tricks, all they did was counting cards, which by the way, you cant do unless you play with cards wide open. pffffft. And i didnt even recognise Kate Bosworth in the movie, i guess it was because her hair was a disaster. Before i went home, i decided to try and buy Twilight. Yes, i've decided to join in on the craze. But what i found was that MPH was bloody outta stock. All it had was New Moon and thats it. And no, i DO NOT want to borrow it, cause i'm sick of reading other people's book. If i cant read my own, then i wont read it at all. End of story.


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