okay, this is what really bugs me about the government;why the hell are they spending RM 105 MILLION!!!, to send some moron into space ( wait, RM 105 mil per person?! ), using some RUSSIAN space station, because we dont have one in Malaysia, just so he could do some very "important scientific experiments" such as: making a bloody cup TEH TARIK, painting a fugly BATIK and childishly playing a stupid GASING, all of course, in zero-gravity??? WHAT?!?! the ideas the government get really surprises me every time at how stupid and pointless they get. and every time a new one pops up, it just gets more apparent that they just "want face". i mean, since Malaysia still IS a developing country, wouldnt it make more sense to use the money for something more useful and productive??? here is a list of things i'd rather the government invest in doing: fill in the millions of pot holes on the roads, make more public toilets that are ACTUALLY maintained clean ( unlike ourdisgusting school toilets ), build bigger and give more funds to school so we dont have to fork out our own cash, make our internet connection faster, stop cutting down all the rainforests ( you arent even getting a good deal for all our precious trees ), stop making more tolls ( if you din use all your money on that stupid space trip, we wouldnt need to pay so much), actually enforcing the laws used to protect the environment ( i swear, i cant go through a kampung area without seeing at least ONE old man burning trash on front of his house ), developing our lousy country ( if you actually did that, then maybe, just MAYBE, a tourist that comes to Malaysia wont feel so ripped off when they go back to their counrty of origin ), try not to make everything about Malaysia to be MALAY ( what the f*** is it that u have against us "non-muslim" ppl anyway??? is it because unlike you, we dont have to wake up early in the morning, and wear those hideous songkot and/or tudung, or is it because we dont have to answer to all those rules about everything thats western is "haram"??? ) and why is it that all the high pangkats in every government agency/organisation/parliment, etc in either entirely made up of Malays, dominated by them or just out numbered by them? but of course, the answer to this question is a no brainer, anybody and everybody in Malaysia knows it, it is the modern day's most well kept secret, the conspiracy that the entire Malay government ( i dont hate Malays, i just hate the Malaysian governemt, which is made up of Malays ) is using to surpress us other races by openly saying that they are actually just protecting the "hak istimewa" of Malays. they arent even the real bumiputra people of Malaysia, the orang asli are, but of course they arent numerous or smart or violent enough to rebel and protest and get the rights that are rightfully theirs. too bad, tough luck. not my problem so, back to the conspiracy thing, i think that that is total bullshit, they're not protecting anything, just taking from other races and giving it to their own. GRRRRRRRR!!! one day, i swear to God, i will become Malaysia's FIRST chinese prime minister. wait, what am i saying? i rather be a janitor than be the face of this lousy ass country. the government also has other methods of keeping us quiet, like for example arresting that Muar rapper guy who sang "Malaysiakuku" for dunno what crime? is freedom of speech really a crima i ask you? NO, but they ARE the government, and what they say, goes...unwillingly. luckily, he didnt get thrown into jail, for to clever reasons, first, he fled the damn country to Taiwan!!! and secondly, he already created himself a reasonably large fan base by releasing other not-so-offensive- songs previously like "guy from Muar" and "kawanku". moving on, to the reason and inspiration of writing this blog entry in the first place, the government has been showing their kiasu attitude for years and years now ( and totally blaming it on Singapore, because its filled with Chinese adn Malays are a minority there ) like building KLCC, just to show Malaysia is not so primitive, that we have the tallest building in the world. they fooled other countries, yes, but fooled no one here. besides, we held the title for how long? there are plenty of building plans that are way taller than it anyway, and a few are already done. plus, its not like they used it for anything special, its just an oversized office building if you ask me. and claiming we have one of the richest marine and rainforest habitats in the world, well that was kinda true...50 years ago, the sea is all dead and polluted now, while the rainforest has all been turned into furniture. the 50 years of independence has destroyed our national herritage and yet it is the biggest tourist attraction in Malaysia. which goes to show how badly under-developed this country is. well my retarded sister is back from shopping now, so i guess i have to stop before she sees this. thanks for reading, bye bye.
Labels: government problems